Welcome Home, Step Sheet

Welcome Home

Waltz, 4 walls ABC-dance, Advanced Linedance

Choreographed by: Stig Ekström (SE) May 2009
Choreographed to: Welcome Home on the album Uhuru by Osibisa, 120 BPM

Start after a 24 count introduction.

The A, B and C parts shall be danced in the following order AABBABCCCBCC

The orientations in the description of part A is based on 12 o'clock. Both Part B and C are danced towards 6 o'clock the first time so the orientations in the descriptions of part B and C are based on 6 o'clock.

Part A shall be danced in gentle rolling style.

Section A1
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Left Twinkle, ½ Turn Right Twinkle
Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left in place (12 o'clock).
Cross right over left, step left to left making ¼ turn right, step right back making a ¼ turn right (6 o'clock).
Section A2
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Left Twinkle, ½ Turn Right Twinkle
Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left in place.
Cross right over left, step left to left making ¼ turn right, step right back making a ¼ turn right (12 o'clock).
Section A3
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Step Forward, Hold, Hold, (Grape)vine
Step forward on left, hold, hold.
Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side.
Section A4
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Cross, Hold, Hold, Slow Coaster Step
Step left over right, hold, hold.
Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right.
Section A5
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Side, Drag, Drag, Slow Coaster Step
Take a big step on left foot to left side, drag right after left over two counts.
Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right.
Section A6
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Side, Drag, Drag, ¼ Turn Sailor Step
Take a big step on left foot to left side, drag right after left over two counts.
Cross right behind left turning ¼ to right, step left to left side, step right in place (3 o'clock).
Section A7
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Step, Lock, Step, Step, Lock, Step
Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward.
Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward.
Section A8
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Step, Point, Hold, Step, Point, Hold
Step left forward, point right to right side, hold.
Step right forward, point left to left side, hold.
Part B shall be danced with distinct steps and some attitude showing that everyone shall be included in the happy trip as stated in the song text "Come with me, on this happy trip back to the promised land".
Section B1
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Long Step Back, Long Step Back, Long Step Back, Slide
Long step back on left, long step back on right, long step back on left (6 o'clock).
Slide right back passing left over three counts, keep weight on left.
Section B2
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic Back, Full Turn, Half Turn
Step down on right well behind left, step left next to right, step right next to left.
Turn ½ right step back on left, turn ½ right step forward on right, turn ½ right step back on left (12 o'clock).
Section B3
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Sweep ¼ Turn, Step Back, Together, Walk, Walk, Walk
Sweep right around left while turning ¼ right, step back on right, step left next to right (3 o'clock).
Walk forward on right, left and right.
Section B4
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Step Turn ¼, Cross, (Grape)vine
Step forward on left, turn ¼ to right and put weight on right, cross left over right (6 o'clock).
Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side.
Section B5
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Walk, Walk, Walk, Sharp ½ Turn Back, Long Step Back, Long Step Back
Walk in a half circle anti clock wise on left, right and left foot (12 o’clock).
Turn quickly ½ to left in a long step back on right, long step back on left, long step back on right (6 o'clock).
Section B6
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic Back, Basic ¼ Turn Forward
Step left back, step right next to left, step left next to right.
Step right forward, make a right ¼ turn and step left to side, step right next to left (9 o'clock).
Section B7
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Rock Left, Recover, Hold, Cross, Side, Hold
Rock left to left side, recover on right, hold on one count.
Cross left over right, step right to right side, hold one count.
Part C shall be danced with small tripping steps.
Section C1
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic Forward, Basic Back
Step left forward, step right next to left, step left next to right (6 o'clock).
Step right back, step left next to right, step right next to left.
Section C2
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic ½ Turn Forward, Basic ½ Turn Back
Step left forward, make a left ½ turn and step back on right, step left next to right (12 o'clock).
Step right back, make a left ½ turn and step forward on left, step right next to left (6 o'clock).
Section C3
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic Forward, Basic Back
Step left forward, step right next to left, step left next to right.
Step right back, step left next to right, step right next to left.
Section C4
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic ¼ Turn Forward, Basic ½ Turn Back
Step left forward, make a left ¼ turn and step right to side, step left next to right (3 o'clock).
Step right back, make a left ½ turn and step forward on left, step right next to left (9 o'clock).
Section C5
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Basic Forward, Basic Back
Step left forward, step right next to left, step left next to right.
Step right back, step left next to right, step right next to left.
Section C6
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Weave, Side, Slide, Touch
Step left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right.
Step right to right side, slide left next to right and make a touch on left.

Copyright © 2009, Stig Ekström
